Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why do people say "April showers bring May flowers"?

Is April truly a rainy month? To me,it's very dry and dusty.

Why do people say "April showers bring May flowers"?
because flowers grow after the are watered.
Reply:Well....It depends
Reply:Obviously you aren't from the South...
Reply:to make you feel better about all the rain we sometimes get in april.
Reply:they actually bring austin powers........
Reply:its a VERY old saying, it just means that, in most places, April is rainy and there are many flowers im May. Of course, the weather is very unpredictable and chages often. So, its just a stupid phrase that doesn't make much sence most of the time.
Reply:The rain in April (yes, it is a somewhat rainy month where I come from) moistens the soil and (supposedly) helps flowers in May to grow.
Reply:spring begins in april and it rains alot in spring and there are lots of flowers by may

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