Monday, February 13, 2012

Eucalyptus plant?

Does anyone know how to preserve eucalyptus? I have been growning it and would like to use it in a flower arrangement. The last time I picked it, and brought in inside it just dried up.

Eucalyptus plant?
If you want to preserve fresh foliage, use a 50-50 glycerin and water mix. Stick the cut ends of stems in this mixture in a low light area, in about 2-3 weeks, the Eucalyptus will have absorbed the glycerin and be ready for use. Glycerin can usually be obtained from a pharmacy and you can easily do your own preserving. Much of the Eucalyptus I have seen in the craft stores all smells alike and has been obviously dyed in different colors. To each his own, but why waste the beauty of the many varied "natural" scents of Eucalyptus?
Reply:Thank you very much. Report It
Reply:Thank you very much. Report It
Reply:you can tie them in bundles and hang them upside down in a warm dark place (I have a small rack on the wall of the water heater closet) or use a drying agent like sand, fresh kitty litter, a white cornmeal-and-borax mixture, or, for best results, silica gel. EIther way it takes several days with mixed results. For stems of plants you may want to wrap the stems with floral wire to preserve the shape of the stem.

Most craft stores can provide you with the details, materials, and recipe for a drying agent.

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