Monday, February 13, 2012

How do I know if my plant is dead or just wintering?

I was given a chrysenthemum plant in late summer and I water it 1-2 times a week, when I feel the soil being dry. Some time ago, the flowers began drooping. Now the leaves are really dried up too. The soil is still a little moist though. I kept the plant indoors, with heat on sometimes, near the window (but I don't open the curtains sometimes). Is the plant dead, or is it undergoing a natural winter process and will flower next spring? Thanks!

How do I know if my plant is dead or just wintering?
I have found that mums don't do very well inside for very long. They are perennial, that means that they come back year after year. I don't know where you are but it is getting late to transplant it outside, because of freezes.

That said,I would cut it back and take the chance of putting it outside. It will go under, but in the spring, if it survives, you will see new green growth. Then start pinching the tips until the fourth of july to encourage it to bloom later in the year. Traditionally they are a fall flower, but if you pinch them they will be fuller, besides blooming later.

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