Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Why don't guys use moisturizer?

I can understand not wanting to smell like flowers if your a dude . but when I get dry skin it itches. don't guys want to NOT ITCH. or are guys physiologically different somehow to where this isn't a problem for them.

Why don't guys use moisturizer?
Because We aren't Women.
Reply:Win. Report It
Reply:There is non-scented lotion. My boyfriend was talking about how his skin was getting dry while pumping out my way too expensive face moisturizer like it was nothing. I had to grab it away from him. Made me laugh though.
Reply:Because they want to be dry freaks!
Reply:Your kidding, right? To put on lotion requires some dedication and activity...all way to high maintenance for the average man.

...however they never figure out that scratching the itch takes more energy than putting on lotion...

Go figure.
Reply:Haha. When I first met my husband he never used moisturizer and used a bar of soap to wash his face. I showed him the difference! Now he uses Arbonne face wash and moisturizer he LOVES it and it has disminished his wrinkles! ;-)

Guys don't know that they are supposed to use it, they think its only for women!

They are totally wrong!!
Reply:You hit the nail right on the head!!! As a carpenter you need rough skin so that you constantly don't get splinters or get cuts easily!!!
Reply:haha my boyfriend has really bad callouses from playing basketball all the time and he just gave into my hand lotion!!
Reply:I'm a man, and i use lotion or moisturizers becuase who wants to be ashy all day? Not using lotion doesn't make you anymore manly and using lotion doesnt make you anymore of a girl
Reply:There are guys who use moisturizer. The hot, good-looking guys do at least.
Reply:they think its not manly
Reply:Some do use moisturizer but the many out there that don't, just don't want to be seen at the store buying moisturizer and plus using moisturizer will make some feel even a little less of a man.
Reply:They are afraid they will be judged as homosexual, which is pretty lame...maybe thats why homosexual guys look better than straight ones.
Reply:some guys do because they care about the way they look, personally i do and im 14. but some guys dont cuz they think they will be gay if they do use mosterizer.ur only gay if u think ur gay:)
Reply:I have finally gotten my husband to wear a bit of unscented but he should have started 10 years ago to prevent some of the wrinkles from starting! lol. It is a strange thing that they don't, but I think it may be because shaving cream might moisturize a bit...though not around their eyes! (I hope!)
Reply:Man Law states that only girls and gays use moisturizers

Real men clean their skin with sticks and stones.
Reply:I use non-scented lotion in the winter when my eczema starts acting up. And yes, my skin starts itching, too.
Reply:because they have too much pride to not be soft.

good question.
Reply:i think some guys are just self conscious.

my friends are guys and they use moisturizer all the time. :]
Reply:they dont moistureize when people are around so people dont think they're 'femine'. they probably do, though.
Reply:I use it when my hands get dry but I don't use scented ones
Reply:I don't use mositurizur and i never itch, babe.
Reply:if ur black u need 2
Reply:they think its gay to have good skin.
Reply:some do!! me but sssshhhhh
Reply:I use lotion. Also, most black guys use lotion because we like soft skin and ash shows up more prominantly on darker skin. If you are dark skinned and didn't use lotion people would be calling you "Ashy Larry"!
Reply:Well, I suppose it's because we associate lotion with "Spanking The Monkey". Most guys probably don't realize there are other uses for that stuff in the Lubriderm bottle.
Reply:50yo-I use EMU oil and love it. Smells muskie and my gal loves the way "all" my skin feels. Funny tho, when I was younger-I never did get flakie, and I never itched. That said, I was alway in the sun and used good tanning lotions and oils so that could be why I was never really itched and/or scaled.
Reply:I use lotion because I hate cracked and sandpaper-like skin. I don't see why men don't use it. It's kinda strange since men are all about the latest and greatest technology, but shun things that affect their appearance.
Reply:I use moisturizer's but not scented.
Reply:not everyone's skin itches when it dries. i wouldn't want my man to have soft hands anyway.
Reply:guys use glitter instead

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