Thursday, January 26, 2012

Help with my plant please?

Okay, so my Kalancoe (Calandiva) plant got overwatered somehow...the soil was just drenched. I just changed the soil and replanted the plant in dry soil. The flowers are still droopy, some are browned and dead.

Should I cut off all the flowers and hope it'll re-flower or should I pluck off all the brown stuff and leave the "healthy" flowers?

Also, since the roots still have water from the old soil how long should I wait before watering again?

I've tried to research this, but everything is very technical or doesn't help at all.

Help with my plant please?
Kalanchoes thrive on neglect. Cut off the brown and discard, the flower stems will root in water, yes, really. They're hardy annuals in zone 8. Withold water - you just went through drowning it...

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