Monday, January 30, 2012

Why are my petunias looking scraggly?

My petunias are producing beautiful flowers but wilted leaves. They're in a container outside and the soil seems to dry out very quickly. I water them pretty much daily (usually in the evening) and fertilize about once a week. What am I doing wrong??? Please help!

Why are my petunias looking scraggly?
cuz your ugly, jk idk ask a gardener
Reply:Cut back on the fertilizer..petunias are very sensitive to over feeding. Keep them damp at all times, but not soggy. They need full sun to do well. They will let you know when they are happy. But it sounds like you are over feeding them.
Reply:I think you might be over fertilizing. Make sure you deadhead the spent flowers by pinching them off. Just leave off the fertilizer for a month and see what happens.
Reply:Might be an over feed. Do you pinch them back?
Reply:You are most likely fertilizing too often. Sometimes that causes the leaves to burn. Try laying off the fertilizer for a couple of weeks. You might also have them in a spot where they are getting too much hot sun.

Hope this helps

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