Friday, January 27, 2012

Fall-blooming flowers?

What are some easy-to-grow, fall-blooming flowers that I could plant now? I live in New Mexico, which has a pretty hot, dry climate.

Fall-blooming flowers?
Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Worcester Gold' with gold foliage and blue flowers or green foliaged 'Longwood Blue' that also produces a strong mid-blue flower in late summer to fall. A perfect foil for gold Chrysanthemums and the taller 'Fireworks’ Goldenrod -Solidago rugosa ‘Fireworks’.

Texas Firecracker - Anisacanthus wrighti - another 3x3' sub-shrub.

Aster ericoides the heath aster is good for a white or pink filler. ‘Blue Star,’ ‘Ester,’ ‘Monte Cassino,’ ‘Pink Cloud,’ ‘Pink Star,’ and ‘Snowflurry.’

Any sedum would be good. I particularly like 'Matrona' %26amp; 'Autumn Fire'

Any Autumn Sage like Salvia greggii, Salvia microphylla, and hybrids, or Mexican bush sage - Salvia leucantha 'San Carlos Festival’.

Rain Lily - Zephyranthes species, and hybrids, bloom very late summer but do like a bit more water. If you have an area you can water more plant the lilies with Leopard Plant - Ligularia tussilagine and Toad Lily - Tricyrtis formosana.
Reply:I doubt you could plant any fall color now, its way too hot. We put our fall color in around the end of Sept. The choices are some what limited here, now real sure about NM but probably about the same. We plant pansy's, mum, ornamental cabbage and kale.

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