Thursday, January 26, 2012

I'm A Feeding My Pigs The Right Food?

I have 7 guniea pigs 2 adults and 5 babies. I have been feeding them romaine lettuce red,green,and yellow bell pepper everday,and cucumber here and there mostly on hot days. They get some peas and carrots every couple of days. Once in awhile i'll give them a couple grapes for a treat and apple. Have not gave the babies any apple yet but they love the grapes.Not including all the hay a pig could handle and dry fruits and pellets.My Question is are they getting enough goodies?Should i be giving them more veggies,like diffrent selction? Are flowers are ok for them to eat.I read on one sight they said there poisonous to them,but not have seen it yet in my search.The reason i ask is beacause the pet store sells a little dried flower salad bowl and it has dried flower in it. Also can they eat crab grass and clover.Should it be lawn grass or is ok to give them wild stuff?

I'm A Feeding My Pigs The Right Food?
I hope you have seperated the males and females.

It sounds like you are pretty much doing a good job on the veggies. You can vary it from time to time. Red or green leaf lettuce are good alternatives to romaine. Parsley and cilantro are good "side dish" to the lettuce. Here is a list of good veggies.

Hay should be available 24/7 (which you are already doing). Plain pellets should be given (no seeds or corn or any colorful bits) Dried fruit isn't the best idea either. I would stay away from flowers. I have seen those "salads" in the pet store. They don't look very good to me. The hay that is used is not good quality and there are colorful bits to make it look pretty, but aren't good for your piggie. I don't know about crab grass, but clover is fine for them to eat.
Reply:Chill on the veggies your going to give them diarreah which will dehydrate them, stick with the staple food *food for pigs*, These are pets not guest staying at your house.
Reply:Here are two nice places for info on a pigs diet. The only "flower" I can think of at the moment is dandelion that is safe for them, I am sure there are more.
Reply:Here are some pointers:

1. The adults should be fed Timothy hay, the babies alfalfa hay.

2. You are feeding them bell peppers which are good because they are high in vitamin c, and you are mixing it up sort of every now and then. You could try to give them some baby spinach (on occasions).

This site is great, it has a list of vegetables and fruits that you can try for variation.

3. Crab grass and clover are fine according to the following site section 5.

4. As for the flowers I do not know, lawn grass is what I feed my girls but make sure that you have not fertilised it in the past 3 days.

Good Luck.

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