Thursday, January 26, 2012

How do I take care of Hydrangeas?

I'm not sure of the complete name and species, but it's a pastel powder pink and after it flowered, many petals fell and scattered and the others dried on the stem.

Shold I cut the dead flowers off?

The plant itself is actually a cluster of them.

Should I transplant some? If I do, How?

When I bought the plant, the leaves were a dark green. Now, they turned yellow green. Is it normal? Am I doing something wrong, maybe?

Or is it because it's rainy season here, and we've had a few typhoons...?

Any advice would help.

How do I take care of Hydrangeas?
everything you need is on this site....

explore there and learn a lot!!....

your plants need iron and more acid, most likely.... a good feed won't hurt, either.... look for 'chelated iron' and any good fertilizer with an acidic nature.....cut off old blooms....

don't transplant anything right now... find the name of your plant on that site first and read up on it's care.... once you have a good understanding of what the plant likes, you'll be set !!!.....
Reply:Ahh...Hydrangeas.....Beautiful flowering plant.

They like shade and lots of it.

Your plant needs nitrogen or iron. This is what's lacking in your soil. Probably from overwatering the nutrients will be depleted after so much water.

Ask for a fertilizer with a high nitrogen analysis...This is the first number on the fertilizer product. Or just add some type of iron to the soil.

It works....How do I know? I do it almost daily. Be sure to read instructions on each bag of fertilizer.

Yes prune off old expired blooms, this will encourage new growth and blooms.
Reply:Scroll down this link for the care and pruning of your shrub:
Reply:Always cut off the blooms when they are through flowering. You may have a soil deficiency so buy an all purpose fertilizer

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