Thursday, January 26, 2012

How do I grow Peonies from seed?

I have a beautiful Peonie bush that I would love to be able to gather seed from and grow another. I am just not sure how to do it. Do the seeds need to dry? Are the pods left after the flowers die actually seeds? I know it may be easier to divide the plant but I am reluctant to do so because I don't want to lose this plant. The flowers are the size of a super-sized grapefruit and the color of RED VELVET! Thanks for any help!

How do I grow Peonies from seed?
Peony seeds are double dormant and require cold stratification. Some peonies produce red %26amp; black seeds in the same seed pod. Discard the red seeds and use only the black seeds as these are the only fertile seeds. Place the seeds in a pot this fall %26amp; leave outdoors to chill the seeds. Or place the seeds in a zip-lock bag with some sand and just slightly moisten the sand. Put the bag of seeds in your refrigerator for at least 90 days, then sow.

During the first summer's growth, the seeds will only develop roots. A second period of cold (another winter) is required before vegetative growth will appear in the second season. So don't expect to see the plant the first year after sowing seeds.

The alternative is to sow the seeds in a pot with bottom heat at 65 - 75 degrees F for 3 months. Then refrigerate the pots at 41 degrees F for another 3 months. Now the plant should be ready to generate new shoots. Remember that peonies like to be transplanted in fall, so grow them in the pots until its time to transplant.
Reply:growing peonies from seed is next to impossible. your best bet is to divide ...take 1/3 of the root system, you won't harm your existing plant, down side.... if you do it this way it will take a year or two for your new plant to flower. I have peonies in my yard that were originally from my great grandmothers stock....the root systems are well over 90 years old! if you divide carefully, everything should be fine. we always divided in the early spring or fall it depends on where you live.

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